The Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department is located in the city of São Paulo, near the central part of the city, in one of the most modern and equipped hospitals in Brazil, called Samaritano Higienópolis Hospital. The Department has a close collaboration with the Alvorada Moema Hospital and also the Paulistano Hospital, all linked to the UnitedHealth Group.
The Department is internationally recognized for excellence in clinical care, continuing education and scientific research.
It is headquartered in the metropolitan region of São Paulo, which has a population of 22 million people, receiving patients from all over the State of São Paulo, other cities in Brazil and abroad. As for statistics, about 600 inpatients and 7.500 outpatients are treated in the Department each year.
We deal with all aspects of our specialty, but our clinical and surgical depatment focus on these areas:
• Oral surgery procedures in general
• Osseointegrated implants and associated reconstructions
• Maxillofacial traumatology
• Orthognathic surgery
• TMJ Surgery
• Treatment of benign tumors and associated reconstructions
• Treatment of maxillofacial infections
The entire team is committed to provide the highest level of patient care. The team plays an important role in interdisciplinary relationships with groups including orthopedics, neurosurgery, otolaryngology, ophthalmology, radiology, pathology, nutrition, physiotherapy, orthodontics, prosthetic dentistry and many others.
The scientific interests are: orthognathic surgery (stability, planning), TMJ (temporomandibular disorders and treatments), implantology (bone resorption, long term results), traumatology (bone plates, long term results, children fractures) based on access to evaluate the result.
Visiting doctors and fellows are welcome to participate actively and / or passively in all activities of the department. Both short- and long-term visits are possible. The training program will be organized individually with the candidate. The fellow should have previous qualifications in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, and his/her research interests and experience should complement the research priorities of our department. For short term scholarships, 1 to 3 months, our division is most suitable for clinical training in the fields of TMJ disorders, facial traumatology and orthognathic surgery.
A one-year fellowship or up to 18 months, requires specific documentation and therefore must be scheduled 12 months in advance. In this case, participation in a research project in the areas of biomaterials or bone healing of the craniofacial skeleton can be made available.
Foreign applicants need an official work permit, which can be prepared by the university hospital. Usually there is no problem to arrange accommodations.
For more information and application please contact:
Américas Serviços Médicos – UnitedHealth Group
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Conselheiro Brotero 1486 St.
São Paulo, Brazil
Phone: +55 11 3821-5300
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