Training Centers for Head

University of Lille

Lille, France

Dept. of Oral-Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery
Fellowship Director: Prof. Dr. Joel Ferri
Short time resident visit
Resident and scientific fellowship

Located in the north of France, the Lille University Hospital Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery serves patients of the «Nord pas de Calais» area, which has 4 million inhabitants. The department is the only facility handling maxillofacial traumas year-round. It is involved in all the aspects of maxillofacial surgery, with particular interests in:

  • Maxillofacial traumatology
  • Maxillofacial reconstruction
  • Preprosthetic surgery
  • Oncology surgery

Orthognathic surgery is regularly performed in close cooperation with our many orthodontic colleagues, and we maintain a close relationship with the dental school of Lille.

Preprosthetic surgery related to implant insertions is done by our prosthodontics team. Today, the trend in our department is to use membranous bones for these surgeries, which are increasing steadily.

In oncological surgery we specialize in maxillofacial reconstruction. Many free flaps are performed for maxillary or mandibular reconstruction. When necessary, implant-supported oral rehabilitations are performed.

Visitors from many countries join us for education or research.

There are 2 categories of visitors:

  1. Visitors who stay for a short period of time (from a few days to 4 or 5 months). These visitors are not allowed to care for patients. They are observers who generally want to learn more about our general management or a particular surgical technique.
  2. Visitors who stay at least 6 months. These are integrated into the medical staff, and care for patients. For this category there are particular requirements which are defined by French law and which may vary depending upon which school the candidate has graduated from. For candidates coming from the EU there is no particular procedure. Candidates coming from other countries must enroll in the university, and must meet the university’s requirements (A.F.S. – Attestation de Formation Spécialisée or A.F.S.A. Attestation de Formation Spécialisée Approfondie) with regard to previous education. The admitted fellows rotate through our official research programs and clinical practice. At the end of their stay they receive an official diploma.

We currently focus on two fields of research: 
1) maxillofacial bone biology, including fundamental and clinical research 
2) maxillofacial bone growth and development 

The department is an official member of a group involved in bone biology. For additional information please write to:
Professeur J. Ferri
Service de Stomatologie et Chirurgie maxillofaciale
Hopital R. Salengro

Phone: +33 3 20 44 63 90
Fax: +33 3 20 44 58 60

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