

From the Fingertip to the Wrist – Internal Fixation of the Hand - Overview 1 Click to enlarge
IBRA Advanced Course

From the Fingertip to the Wrist – Internal Fixation of the Hand

This is a national course. Practical part is currently fully booked, should you wish to attend Seminar, please contact dorota.kotarska@ibra.ch
Date: Friday, April 20, 2018 – Saturday, April 21, 2018
Division: Upper Limbs
Location: Poznan, Poland
Language: English
Participants: 30
Level: advanced
Programm_Poznan_2018_v15-03-2018.pdf (3.98 MB)  Last update: 15.03.2018

Scientific Chairs

Dr. Mariusz Bonczar, Kraków, Poland
Prim. Dr. Wolfgang Hintringer, Vienna, Austria

Faculty  (in alphabetical order)  

Dr. Mariusz Bonczar Kraków, PL Kraków, PL, mariuszbonczar@gmail.com 
Prim. Dr. Wolfgang Hintringer Vienna, AT, w@hintringer.at
Dr. Radek Kebrle Vysoké nad Jizerou, CZ , radek.kebrle@seznam.cz 
Dr. Wojciech Satora, Myślenice, PL, wojtek_s@interia.pl 
Prof. Andrzej Żyluk, Szczecin, PL, sekr.chirdo@spsk1.szn.pl 


Table Instructors  (in alphabetical order)

Dr. Radek Kebrle Vysoké nad Jizerou, CZ , radek.kebrle@seznam.cz 
Dr. Paweł Nowicki, Warszawa, PL, ortopedia@pawelnowicki.com 
Dr. Paweł Reichert, Wrocław, PL, pawelreichert74e@gmail.com 
Dr. Wojciech Satora, Myślenice, PL, wojtek_s@interia.pl 
Dr. Marek Szuścik, Kraków, PL, szuscik.m@gmail.com 
Prof. Andrzej Żyluk, Szczecin, PL, sekr.chirdo@spsk1.szn.pl


Course Fee

IBRA Member EUR 380
Non Member EUR 480
Seminar only EUR 70




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