

Distal Radius and Ulna  – Difficult Fractures and Salvage Procedures - Overview 1 Click to enlarge
IBRA Satellite Symposium

Distal Radius and Ulna – Difficult Fractures and Salvage Procedures

Date: Thursday, August 16, 2018
Division: Upper Limbs
Location: Fortaleza, Brazil
Language: English
Participants: open attendance
Program Fortaleza 16 August 2018.pdf (876.83 KB)  Last update: 18.07.2018


On the occasion of 38º Congresso Brasileiro de Cirurgia da Mão
16 a 18 de agosto de 2018, Fábrica de Negócios, Fortaleza

Scientific Chair

Dr. Marcelo Rosa de Rezende, Sao Pãolo, Brazil
Prim. Dr. Wolfgang Hintringer, Vienna, Austria


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