

IBRA Webinar

Basic Principles in Traumatology – Module 8 – Fractures of the Condylar Process 3

Date: Wednesday, June 23, 2021 19:00 – 20:00
Division: Head
Language: English
Level: Resident
Announcement_Module VIII_Kleinheinz_June_2021_v5.pdf (651.86 KB)  Last update: 11.05.2021


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Prof. Dr. Dr. Johannes Kleinheinz, Münster, Germany


Prof. Dr. Dr. Johannes Kleinheinz, Münster, Germany
Prof. Dr. Dr. Andreas Neff, Marburg, Germany 



19:00 – 19:10   Base and lower neck fractures via retro-mandibular deep approach        J. Kleinheinz
                           Management step by step 3                                                                          

19:10 – 19:35   Base and neck fractures via transparotid and anteroparotid approach   A. Neff
                           Management step by step 4                                                                        

19:35 – 20:00   Summary approaches to the base and neck:                                                A. Neff
                           Complication rates, dos and don´ts                                                          






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