Prof. Dr. Dr. Victor Valderrabano
SWISS ORTHO CENTER, Schmerzklinik Basel, Swiss Medical Network, Basel, Switzerland
(in alphabetical order)
Professor Dr. Alexej Barg, Hamburg, Germany
Professor Dr. Mario Herrera , Tenerife, Spain
Univ.Doz. Dr. Ernst Orthner, Wels/Klagenfurt, Austria
Professor Dr. Christina Stukenborg-Colsmann, Hanover, Germany
Dr. Lisca Drittenbass Tailleur, Genève, Switzerland
Mr. James Carmichael, Peterborough, United Kingdom
Professor Dr. Dr. Victor Valderrabano, Basel, Switzerland
Dr. Martin Wiewiorski, Winterthur, Switzerland
Course Fee incl. Tax
IBRA Full Member
EUR 775 |
Non- / Basic Member (IBRA)
EUR 1550 |
Educational hours
Theoretical Part on Friday, November 20 – 180 min
Practical Part on Friday, November 20 – 180 min
Practical Part on Saturday, November 21 – 375 min
Total: 12,5h
Target audience
Recommended for senior surgeons and department heads.
Main specialty of the event
An interactive seminar and hands- on workshop, addressing trauma and reconstruction with representative cases and discussions. Latest innovations and trends are presented both in theoretical discussions and surgical demonstrations. Practical exercises are designed as close as possible to realities in the operating room (pre-operative discussion of the case, use of pre-fractured or deformed specimen).
Educational needs
A vital scientific exchange between experts of the subspecialty reaching out for the establishment of refined standards in surgery and further improved treatment for patients has been identified as the specific need of this course level. Opening of new perspectives and a solid sounding board. Testing and possible confirmation of individual ideas through discussion with peer experts.
Expected educational outcomes
Broadening of spectrum of good practices and their dissemination, Aware of new/improved techniques and methodologies to diagnose, treat and follow-up patients.
Nature of the event
Each day starts with cases presentations and discussions. Panel discussions analyze operative challenges, followed by "pearls and pitfalls". Most part of the day focuses on hands-on cadaver lab starting with a preoperative planning based on radiologic findings. The inter-active course format will engage the participants and highlight the controversy linking lack of evidence and broad range of experience.
Methods to promote active learning
Multimedia presentations; time for question & answer sessions and discussion; cadaver workshop (of pre-fractured specimens) with sharing and discussion of the various cases.