
Research & Education Committees

The IBRA Research and Education Committees (REC) are platforms supervising quality assurance and excelling professional expertise. They put emphasis on promoting individual academic and professional careers beyond geographic and cultural borders.
The three Research and Education Committees focus on the body segments head, upper limbs and lower limbs, and are named accordingly.

Core tasks of the IBRA Research and Education Committees are:

  • supervising quality standards of the various courses in the continuing medical education (CME)
  • evaluating course participants’ requirements in order to improve the educational offer
  • assessing scholarship applications for IBRA Training Centers and confirming accepted candidates
  • assessing and advising potential (multicenter) research studies of IBRA Training Centers


The IBRA Research & Education Committee Head consists of the following members:

Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Freudlsperger, Auckland, New Zealand (Chairman)
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Dr. Lars Bonitz, Dortmund, Germany
Prof. Dr. Dr. Benoit Schaller, Bern, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Aurélien Louvrier, Besançon, France
+ representatives of donor organizations


Ch. Freudelsperger   L. Bonitz                     B. Schaller                  A. Louvrier



The IBRA Research & Education Committee Upper Limbs consists of the following members:

Prof. Dr. Adam Watts, Wrightington, United Kingdom (Chairman)
Prof. Rames Mattar Jr., Sao Paulo, Brazil
Dr. Anna van der Windt, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rohit Arora, Innsbruck, Austria
+ representatives of donor organizations


A. Watts                   R. Mattar                A. van der Windt      R. Arora

The IBRA Research & Education Committee Lower Limbs consists of the following members:

Prof. Dr. Mario Herrera-Pérez, San Cristobal de La Laguna, Santa Cruz de Tenerife/Spain (Chairman)
Mr Timothy E. Schneider, Melbourne, Australia
Prof. Dr. Alexandre Leme Godoy-Santos, São Paulo, Brazil
Dr. Cesar de Cesar Netto, MD, Durham, NC, USA (Representative North America)
+ representatives of donor organizations




M. Herrera-Pérez     T. E. Schneider         A. Leme                       C. de Cesar Netto



The IBRA North America Upper Extremity Research and Education Committee consists of the following members:

Dr. Mark Baratz, MD, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Dr. Duretti Fufa, MD, New York, NY, USA
Dr. Sanjeev Kakar, MD, Rochester, MN, USA
Dr. Warren Hammert, MD, Durham, NC, USA



Mark Baratz              Duretti Fufa               Sanjeev Kakar             Warren Hammert


The IBRA North America Lower Extremity Research and Education Committee consists of the following members:

Dr. John Anderson, MD, Grand Rapids, MI, USA
Dr. Jordan Grossman, DPM, Akron, OH, USA
Dr. Eric Ferkel, MD, Van Nuys, CA, USA
Dr. Cesar de Cesar Netto, MD, Durham, NC, USA



John Anderson         Jordan Grossman    Eric Ferkel               Cesar de Cesar Netto



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Hochbergerstrasse 60E
CH-4057 Basel, Switzerland
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