

 Trauma from Wrist to Elbow: A Case Based Workshop with Realistic Treatment Options - Overview 1 Click to enlarge
IBRA Master Course - with pre-fractured specimen

Trauma from Wrist to Elbow: A Case Based Workshop with Realistic Treatment Options

Date: Friday, November 8, 2024 – Saturday, November 9, 2024
Division: Upper Limbs
Location: Basel, Switzerland
Language: English
Level: Master
Programm_Basel_2024_November_v19-09-2024_15.pdf (3.79 MB)  Last update: 19.09.2024


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Prof. Dr. Lars P. Müller, Cologne, Germany
Prof. Dr. Rainer Meffert, Würzburg, Germany

Faculty (in alphabetical order):
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rohit Arora, Innsbruck, AT
Dr. Marion Burnier, Lyon, FR
Dr. Ben East, Newcastle, AUS
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Hackl, Mannheim, DE
Prim. Dr. Wolfgang Hintringer, Vienna, AT
Prof. Dr. Hermann Krimmer, Ravensburg, DE
Dr. Alberto Lazzerini, Milano, IT
Prof. Dr. Rainer Meffert, Würzburg, DE
Prof. Dr. Lars Peter Müller, Cologe, DE
Dr. Carlos Rueda, Bogotà, COL
PD Dr. Jonas Schmalzl, Würzburg, DE

Registration Fees

  Wrist & Elbow Wrist Elbow
IBRA Full Member EUR 820 EUR 410 EUR 410
Non- / Basic Member (IBRA) EUR 1640 EUR 820 EUR 820


Target audience
Recommended for senior surgeons and department heads.

Main specialty of the event
An interactive seminar and hands- on workshop, addressing trauma and reconstruction with representative cases and discussions. Latest innovations and trends are presented both in theoretical discussions and surgical demonstrations. Practical exercises are designed as close as possible to realities in the operating room (pre-operative discussion of the case, use of pre-fractured or deformed specimen).

Expected educational outcomes
Broadening of spectrum of good practices and their dissemination, Aware of new/improved techniques and methodologies to diagnose, treat and follow-up patients.

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