
Training Centers

The worldwide network of IBRA training centers, which specialise in bone research and head and upper / lower limbs surgery, provides scholarship applicants with an interesting range of options.

Because training centers and their fellowship directors are autonomous from IBRA, the candidate is free to determine where his/her needs would best be addressed by contacting the training centers directly. Issues to be discussed before applying for an IBRA Scholarship include the Training Center’s specific curriculum, rotations, surgical exposure, etc., as these do vary.

Please see the links below for a list of IBRA training centers and general information about each. The training center’s information page includes the address, phone number and e-mail address of its fellowship director. We recommend contacting the respective fellowship director directly for more detailed information.

The list of training centers will be continuously evaluated by the IBRA Bord of Directors and updated with new centers as they are added.

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Hochbergerstrasse 60E
CH-4057 Basel, Switzerland
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IBRA Administration Office | Hochbergerstrasse 60E | CH-4057 Basel, Switzerland |  Phone: +41 (0)61 319 05 05 | info@ibra.ch | www.ibra.ch